drew made lunch.
he is a sandwich maker extraordinaire.

christopher got us a 6 pack.
(of free cupcakes.)
brittany, christopher & drew in the form of 2 'cakes each.
(mmmmint & pbchoco!)
drew stuffed his face.

i like cupcakes.

and talking with my moufffffulll.

"that model chick is so jealous!"

"eat cupcake, model!"

cheers to the fam-a-lee.
(note that drew's is only the top.
his taking-the-cupcake-out-of-the-box-skills suck.)
we sure made quick work of those...

a friend for my travel mug was dropped off.

and then!
(when i thought the day couldn't get any better!)
lynlea (with AA next-door-neighb-pal kristen) dropped by with second cup slushies & puff'd wheat!
visits make me happy.
and feel special.

"i think i'm in need of a new picture face..." - k.
"yah, and something other than the middle finger." - b.
"i'll stop giving the finger when you smile with your teeth!" - k.
"pffffft!" - b.
*giggles* - l.
"and you!" (pointing at l.) "you never shut your mouth anymore!" - k.
*laughing* - l.
"fine. smiles with teeth?" - b.

i like working here.